Dear Scorpio,

In the rich tapestry of the cosmos, you emerge as the enigmatic soul, brimming with passion and depth. Your season calls upon us to delve into the mystique of transformation, to surrender to the metamorphosis that beckons from within the shadows. It’s in your profound waters that we find the courage to face our own darkness with a relentless pursuit of truth.

With your piercing gaze, you remind us that authenticity demands sacrifice—the shedding of old skins to embrace the vulnerability of rebirth. Your fierce resolve inspires us to claim our power, to stand unwavering in the face of the tempest, and to emerge with wisdom forged in the fires of personal trials.

As the leaves fall, preparing for winter’s slumber, Scorpio’s tenacity whispers of resilience, teaching us that true strength is found in the quiet determination to rise again. Your presence is a testament to the human spirit’s indefatigable will to transform adversity into opportunity, darkness into light.

Together, let us honor the legacy of the Phoenix, the symbol of Scorpio’s eternal cycle of regeneration. In the ashes of what was, we plant the seeds for what will be, ever evolving in the dance of life’s perpetual renewal.

May the stars guide you home,
Stephanie + Team Futura


18kt Fairmined Ecological gold Zodiac SCORPIO coin pendant Handcrafted by FUTURA in NYC


In ancient astrology and mythology, Scorpio is often linked with the Greek myth of Orion. According to legend, Orion, a giant huntsman, boasted to goddess Artemis and her mother, Leto, that he could kill every animal on Earth.This angered Gaia, the Earth goddess, who sent a scorpion to deal with Orion. The scorpion succeeded, and both Orion and the scorpion were placed in the sky as constellations by the gods.

This tale speaks to the Scorpio’s themes of facing consequences, rising to challenges, and the dynamic interplay of life and death, further underscoring Scorpio’s penetrating and transformative qualities. Throughout history, Scorpios have been revered for their resilience and their capacity to navigate and transform through life’s darker phases.


The original Scorpio coin, discovered as a full set from India, Circa 17th Century.


18kt Fairmined Ecological gold Zodiac coin pendant Handcrafted by FUTURA in NYC.


“Into the depths, we venture without fear,” whispers the essence of Scorpio, a beckoning call to the unknown that resonates with the promise of profound insight. Governed by Pluto, you wield the power to unearth secrets, to venture where others may hesitate—your determination is an unyielding force that thrives in the face of the hidden and the forbidden.

In the spiritual lexicon, Scorpio aligns with the Death card of the Tarot, not as an omen of physical demise but as a powerful symbol of inevitable transformation. Your magnetic aura draws us towards growth, compelling us to shed our past layers in pursuit of our most authentic selves. Your presence challenges us to confront our shadows, to embrace the necessary endings that precede our most significant evolutions.

Your penetrating intuition offers us a lantern in the dark, illuminating the truths that lie beneath the surface. Your path is one of impact, a journey marked by the profound influence you have on the lives you touch, guiding us all to embrace change with bravery and grace.

You exemplify a life lived with fearless honesty, your very essence a clarion call to embrace the transformative fires that refine our spirits.In heeding this call, we recognize your unique ability to create sanctuaries of deep connection and mutual empowerment. With you as our beacon, we venture into the heart of what it means to be truly alive, each day woven with the potent threads of passion and purpose.


18kt Fairmined Ecological gold Zodiac coin pendant Handcrafted by FUTURA in NYC.


Scorpios, you are the embodiment of resilience and depth, your essence a wellspring of healing and reinvention. Ruled by Pluto, your intuition cuts through illusion, guiding you to the heart of matters with unerring precision. Your capacity for transformation is unparalleled, turning life’s trials into the alchemy of personal growth.

Your intense nature commands respect, fostering a sense of empowerment that ripples outwards. As a natural strategist, your strengths lie in your ability to see beyond the veil, using your insights to foster progress and positive change. Embrace the profound influence of your willpower, dear Scorpio, for it has the potential to move mountains and sculpt destinies.


In the reflective gaze of Scorpio, remember the words of Anais Nin: “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” As you step into this new month, dear Scorpio, embrace the depth of your perception. It is not merely a facet of your character; it’s a catalytic force that can reshape reality.

As you navigate the depths of Scorpio season, hold your inner compass close—the sharp instincts and passionate heart that steer you unerringly through the night’s darkness. Your journey is one of continuous rebirth, each challenge an invitation to rise anew. Let this month be a celebration of your resilience, a testament to the transformative power you hold within.

Recognize your profound influence on transformation and healing, embracing the collaborative light that guides and renews the spirit of your community. This month, let hidden talents surface and dreams reawaken, opening new doorways to growth and fulfillment.

In this time of regeneration, paint your journey with strokes of bravery and resilience. Consider your life a canvas awaiting the vibrant colors of your intense and passionate spirit. Sing out your story, letting its melody resonate with those around you. Remember, you are the sculptor of your destiny. Craft it with the precision of your will and the vision of your heart.



Ethical Gold Pendant Necklace Featuring Scorpio Zodiac Design
Ethical Gold Pendant Necklace Featuring Scorpio Zodiac Design
Close Up Woman Wearing Ethical Gold Scorpio Pendant Necklace, Holding the Pendant Between Her Thumb and Forefinger
Scorpio Zodiac Pendant Necklace
Woman from Nose to Upper Chest Wearing Ethical Gold Scorpio Pendant Necklace
Woman Facing the Camera Wearing Scorpio Ethical Gold Pendant and Ethical Gold Chain
Small and Large Ethical Gold Scorpio Pendant Necklaces Side By Side on a White Background
Scorpio Zodiac Pendant Necklace

Scorpio Zodiac Pendant Necklace

Ethical Gold Pendant Necklace Featuring Sagittarius Zodiac Design
Ethical Gold Pendant Necklace Featuring Sagittarius Zodiac Design
Woman from Nose to Upper Chest Wearing Ethical Gold Sagittarius Pendant Necklace
Sagittarius Zodiac Pendant Necklace
Close up of Sagittarius Ethical Gold Pendant Necklace Being Worn Against Skin
Small and Large Ethical Gold Sagittarius Pendant Necklaces Side By Side on a White Background

Sagittarius Zodiac Pendant Necklace

Ethical Gold Pendant with Capricorn Symbol on Gold Chain in Front of a White Background
Ethical Gold Pendant with Capricorn Symbol on Gold Chain in Front of a White Background
Close Up of Ethical Gold Capricorn Pendant Being Worn Against a Woman's Collarbone
Woman From Lips to Collar Bone Holding Up Hands Under Her Chin Wearing 2 Ethical Gold Band Rings and a Gold Capricorn Pendant
Capricorn Zodiac Pendant Necklace
Woman with her hands tented in front of her face wearing Ethical Gold Hoop Earrings, Band Rings, and Capricorn Pendant
Small and Large Ethical Gold Capricorn Pendant Necklaces Side By Side on a White Background

Capricorn Zodiac Pendant Necklace

Ethical Gold Pendant Necklace Featuring Aquarius Zodiac Design
Ethical Gold Pendant Necklace Featuring Aquarius Zodiac Design
Woman from Lips to Shoulders Wearing Ethical Gold Aquarius Pendant Necklace
Aquarius Zodiac Pendant Necklace
Ethical Gold Aquarius Pendant Necklace Worn Around a Woman's Neck
Close up of Aquarius Ethical Gold Pendant Necklace Being Worn Against Skin
Small and Large Ethical Gold Aquarius Pendant Necklaces Side By Side on a White Background

Aquarius Zodiac Pendant Necklace
